St. Paul's School for Girls

St. Paul's School for Girls Logo

Basic Information

Address: 11232 Falls Road P.O. Box 8000 Brooklandville, Maryland 21022
County: Baltimore
Phone Number: 410-823-6323
Fax Number: 410-828-7238
Principal: Penny Evins
School Type: Independent School

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Accreditation: St. Paul's School for Girls is accredited by the Association of Independent Maryland & DC Schools (AIMS), and the Maryland State Board of Education. Our school holds membership with the National Association of Independent Schools, National Coalition of Girls Schools, National Association of Episcopal Schools, Mid Atlantic Episcopal School Association, The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, National Business Officers Association, and The College Board. SPSG is also a consortium member of the Online School for Girls.
Founded: 1959
Organization Affiliation: Association of Independent Maryland & DC Schools (AIMS)
Ages/Grades: 5-12
School Schedule: 7:55 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

An inclusive community that is grounded in the Episcopal values of respect, integrity, and spiritual growth.

School Size: 410
Classroom Size: 14
Student/Teacher Ratio: 7:1
Tuition: 2016-2017: $26,160 (Middle); $27,635 (Upper)
Financial Aid:

Approximately 35% of our student body receives financial aid


Faculty Departments:
Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts), English, Health, History & Social Sciences, Humanities, International Student Program, Mathematics, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Science, Student Support Services, Technology, World Language

Staff Departments:
Academic Administration, Admissions, Advancement, Athletics, Business, Chaplaincy, College Counseling, Communications, Health Services, Facilities & Maintenance, Learning Services, Library, Registrar, School Offices, Technology


# of Course Offerings: 203
# of Students Involved in Global Programs: 64
# of Arts Offerings: 44
# of English Offerings: 25
# of Math Offerings: 22
# of Science Offerings: 16
# of Religious Studies Offerings (US Only): 10
# of OSG Offerings: 8
# of Computer Science Offerings (MS Only): 5
# of Physical Education Offerings: 6
# of History/Social Sciences Offerings: 21
# of World Language Offerings: 43
# of Technology Offerings (MS Only): 3
# of Computer Science Programs (MS Only): 5

Percentage of Graduating Class: 100%
Support Services: Both the Middle and Upper School staff include full-time learning specialists. These experienced professionals are skilled in providing assistance to students and collaborating with teachers to ensure each student’s success. The intensity of the learning specialist’s involvement may range from brief consultation with either the student or teacher to the establishment of a Formal Education Plan to address student strengths, challenges, and accommodations. Specific assistance is determined on an individual basis after collaboration with parents and teachers. At SPSG academic teachers embrace students with diverse learning styles and plan lessons enabling students to exercise their strengths while reinforcing areas of challenge.
Camp Programs: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Through opportunities such as the IDEA Lab, STAR Center, robotics club, and courses such as programming, design technology, and graphic arts, we empower girls with the confidence, creativity, and problem-solving skills needed to lead in STEAM initiatives. In the Crane Library, our extensive online database subscriptions provide students with access to the most current research, news, and perspectives across disciplines. Students in grades 5-12 receive direct instruction in evaluating web sites, citing sources, comparing points of view, and presenting ideas using 21st century tools.

In addition, SPSG has integrated a 1:1 laptop program, as we believe, and research demonstrates, that moving to this instructional design supports the way girls learn best. We are committed to preparing girls to be ethical, innovative, and organized leaders in college and in today’s complex and rapidly changing workforce. In order to succeed in this environment, girls must possess not only strong content-area knowledge and critical thinking skills, but also the ability to work well and communicate with others, the skills to analyze and create media, and “the ability to apply technology effectively” (Partnership for 21st Century Skills). The 1:1 laptop program allows girls to engage in projects that build these skills on a daily basis. In addition to providing girls daily access to technology necessary for success in the twenty-first century, program ensures equitable access of all girls to technology. All girls come to school and go home with a laptop in order to be equipped to learn similar critical thinking skills. Confident that all students have similarly high-functioning technology, faculty are prepared to teach and incorporate technology to enhance learning.

Specifically, a 1:1 laptop program allows girls to:
- Complete long-term, technology-based projects, such as research and video editing, in class and at home;
- Access and explore web-based resources on a daily basis in class;
- Organize class materials and share notes and resources with their teachers and classmates;
- Collaborate on web-based projects with their SPSG and SP classmates and with peers from the Online School for Girls or SPSG sister schools;
- Use technology to create and publish their own bodies of work.

School Championships:

SPSG has a proud, rich tradition. Throughout the years, the school has won a number of championships in the Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland (IAAM).

School Clubs:

Anime Club
Asian Culture Club
Amnesty International
Black Awareness Club
Club Latino
Cystic Fibrosis Club
Dance Team
F.A.C.T. Fighting Against Cancer with Treatment
French Club
Gay-Straight Alliance
Greek Club
The Green Years
Improv Club
It’s Academic
Jewish Awareness Club:
Mock Trial
Model U.N
Multiple Sclerosis Club
Native American Awareness Club
One Love Club
Students for Disability Awareness

Uniform Guidelines:

SPSG requires students to wear a fall and spring uniforms

Admissions Deadline: SPSG accepts students throughout the year.
Mission Statement:

St. Paul’s School for Girls educates hearts and minds in an inclusive community that is grounded in the Episcopal values of respect, integrity, and spiritual growth. We empower voice, nurture intellectual curiosity and creativity, and inspire confident leaders who serve in the world.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Core Values: Respect, Integrity, Spiritual Growth, and Creativity


- An innovative thinker with the skills and knowledge to ask compelling questions, seek multiple perspectives, and create original work.

- A lifelong learner who demonstrates intellectual curiosity and a passion for new ideas.

- A confident communicator, prepared to engage in thoughtful dialogue, who brings groups together to solve problems, and inspire positive action.

- A healthy risk taker who embraces challenges, demonstrates initiative, and is resourceful and resilient.

- A joyful woman who holds work and responsibility in balance with time for physical fitness, spiritual growth, personal interests, and friends and family.

- A conscientious community member who demonstrates empathy and integrity, respects every individual as a child of God, and acts as a steward of the earth’s resources.

- A leader with global perspective who serves others and contributes to the betterment of her society.

National Directories

AF Sitemap