Kentucky School for the Blind

Kentucky School for the Blind Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1867 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206
County: Jefferson
Phone Number: 502-897-1583
Fax Number: 502-897-2294 and 502-897-2850
President: John Roberts, Instructional Leader; Kathy Jones, Manager; Cathy Johnson, Director of Outreach Services

Action Shots

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Additional Information

School Setting:

Campus located on 15 acres in the historic Clifton neighborhood in Louisville, KY; dormitories available for students

School Size: 70 students
Classroom Size: 10>

English, science, Arts and Humanities, Physical Education, Mathematics, and Social Studies

Support Services: Orientation & Mobility, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and extensive outreach services are available to local school districts serving students with visual impairments and their families
Computer Capabilities:

PC, all dorms are internet accessible, computers are equipped with software for accessibility by students and teachers who are blind and visually impaired; braille printers are available

School Clubs:

Big/Little Brothers and Sisters, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts

Sports: Students compete in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) in Wrestling, Swimming, Cheerleading, Track, and Forensics

Parking Spaces/Availability:

Parking available on campus and/or on adjoining Frankfort Avenue

Notes/School Information:

Kentucky School for the Blind serves students who are blind and visually impaired from local education agencies (LEAs) throughout the state. The core of KSB's full-time center based program is academics and the program follows the state's Program of Studies.

Along with the basic academic subjects, students take courses that help them develop alternative skills that promote independence in and out of the classroom. These alternative skills include:

Reading and Writing Braille:
This usually begins at the primary school level. In some cases where a student suddenly loses vision, or has an eye disease that is known to lead to blindness, the instruction in braille may start at a later date. Students with adequate residual vision are provided with enlarged print materials and optical aids. A student's reading medium is determined by evaluations conducted by experienced and trained faculty and in compliance with KRS 158.282.

Participation in Academic Programming in Jefferson County Schools:
Students may attend local Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) for part of the school day. This cooperative arrangement between KSB and JCPS offers students a broader range of academic and vocational courses, and allows them to interact with students who are not visually impaired.

Assistive/Adaptive Technology:
Students in all grades have access to computers that have been specially adapted to meet their visual needs. Computers in the classrooms, labs, and in the dormitories are speech accessible and/or have large print displays. Students have access to electronic note taking devices such as the Braille 'n Speak and the Type 'n Speak to aid them in the classroom and to assist them with homework assignments. In addition to braille and large print materials, the KSB library offers books in recorded format and students are able to access research material via the internet and compact discs

Community Based Instruction (CBI):
CBI classes are offered to students who have special needs in the areas of functional development and practical living. Direct instruction is provided in a variety of community environments for those students to gain experience and confidence. Students are taught to integrate skills to perform realistic activities. Instructional areas include community and domestic functioning, and vocational and recreational/leisure skills.

Adult Living Program:
This program is designed to aid high school students as they transition to post-secondary opportunities. Students explore and develop personal life management skills for living a safe, responsible, and socially acceptable lifestyle. Junior and senior students have the option of living in an independent dorm where they are expected to plan, prepare, and serve nutritious meals; shop independently; perform housekeeping chores; operate appliances with adaptations; utilize safety and sanitation skills; meet personal care needs without assistance; and demonstrate responsibility to self and to others.

Vocational Program: Vocational education is presented to freshman and sophomore students through the Career Options course. The course exposes students to the various aspects of vocational programming and enlightens them about occupational opportunities. Juniors and seniors expand their vocational skills through the Career Work Experiences course. In addition, juniors and seniors have the opportunity to work off campus in local businesses with the assistance of KSB and the Kentucky Department for the Blind

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