Celebrations Catering

Basic Information

Address: 40 Pemberton Road Nashua, NH 03063
Phone Number: 603-598-5177
Fax Number: 603-889-9425
Owner: Fred Manheck, Becky Pulito

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Services Provided:

Full service catering, delivered catering, cafeteria, beverage service

Licenses/Bonded: Appropriately licensed
Years in Business: 20+
BBB: yes
Business Hours: 9-5 7 days a week
Menu Types: BBQ, delivery, luncheon, dinner, holiday, graduation
Menu Description:

We will work with you closely to create a menu to your exact specifications. Lunches, outings, field trips, graduations, seasonal parties, and more. Cooking on site is our specialty. We are the best at barbecues.

Coupons Available: for repeat business
New Customer Discount: 10% off first event
Mission Statement:

We want to make your event uniquely YOURS with excellent food quality and service at reasonable prices.

Company History:

Established in 1992, we are a local, family-owned business that can accomodate any size event. We love what we do, and we are here to serve you.

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