Covenant Christian Academy

Covenant Christian Academy Logo

Basic Information

Address: 83 Pine Street Peabody, MA 01960
County: Essex
Phone Number: 978-535-7100
Fax Number: 978-535-7123
School Type: Classical Christian

Action Shots

Covenant Christian Academy
Covenant Christian Academy
Covenant Christian Academy
Covenant Christian Academy

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Additional Information

Founded: 1991
Ages/Grades: 3 - 18 / Pre-K through Grade 12
School Setting:

CCA is located on a quiet suburban street, with easy access to I-95, Route 1 and Route 128.

Classroom Size: 15
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1
Tuition: K: $10,450, Gr. 1-4 $11,950, Gr.5-8 $13,750, Gr. 9-12 $15,550
Financial Aid:

Limited amounts are available



Support Services: Guidance Counselor College Counseling Grammar School Reading Specialist
After School Programs: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

2 Computer Labs

School Championships:

Boys Soccer (MBIL D2) 2011, 2012, 2013
Boys Basketball (MBIL D2) 2015, (MBIL D1) 2016[24]
Girls Basketball (GIL D2) 2016[25]
Girls Softball (GIL) 2015

School Clubs:

FIRST Lego League Robotics Team
Vex Robotics Team
Pick-Up Basketball
Jazz Band
Worship Band
Jam Band
Improve Club
El Roi (a Girl’s Bible Study)

Parking Spaces/Availability:

Plenty of Parking

Uniform Guidelines:

Pre-Kindergarten - Comfortable play clothes
Kindergarten through Grade 8 - Uniform
Grade 9 through 12 - Business casual, professional dress

Mission Statement:

Covenant Christian Academy offers a Christian and Classical education that builds students’ academic, spiritual and social foundations for lives of leadership and service in today’s global community. A Covenant education prepares students to excel in collegiate studies and intellectual pursuits, nurtures Christian faith and character, and fosters individual gifts and abilities.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:


There is one God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinite in being and perfection. He exists eternally in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are of one substance and equal in power and glory.

The sixty-six canonical books of the Bible as originally written were inspired of God, hence free from error. They constitute the only infallible guide in faith and practice.

Man and woman, created in the image of the Triune God, through disobedience fell from their sinless state when tempted by Satan. Their rebellion plunged the entire human race into a state of sin and brought upon it the condition of spiritual and eternal death from which salvation comes only by the grace of God, through faith, on the basis of the work of Christ and by the agency of the Holy Spirit.

The eternally pre-existent Son was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was born of the Virgin Mary as Jesus Christ, in whom divine and human natures were united in one Person, both natures being whole, perfect and distinct. To accomplish salvation, He lived a sinless life and died on the cross as the sinner’s substitute, shedding His blood for the remission of sins. On the third day He rose bodily from the dead. He ascended to the right hand of the Father where He performs the ministry of intercession. He will come again, personally and visibly, to complete His saving work and to consummate the eternal plan of God.

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Triune God. It is He who regenerates all who believe in the saving work of Christ. By justification, He gives believers a right standing before God: by sanctification He enables them to live a holy life: by glorification He brings to perfection the work of salvation in them.

Those who have repented of sin and turned to God with childlike faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are accountable to God to live lives characterized by hatred of sin; to exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit; and to contribute by word and deed to the universal spread of the Gospel.

At the end of the age the bodies of the dead shall be raised. The righteous will enter into full possession of eternal bliss in the presence of God, and the wicked will be condemned to eternal death.

1. The conviction of absolute truth lies at the core of a Covenant education: God is the source of all realities and ultimate truth in the universe.

2. A Covenant education affirms the innate value of each child as made in the image of God and cultivates Christian faith as the moral and spiritual foundation for educating the whole person: mind, body, and soul.

3. Covenant maintains an integral philosophy of faith and learning that rejects the sharp distinction between the sacred and the secular and integrates Biblical truth into each subject area. We believe God-given wisdom enables us to understand truth in general revelation, just as God-given faith enlightens us to comprehend and respond to special revelation as revealed in the Word of God.

4. Covenant teachers assume a fundamental responsibility to partner with the home in the dynamic process of educating the child. The teacher directs the child’s learning by providing him/her with instruction, authentic modeling, nurturing discipline, support, and encouragement to the end that the child will be led in the direction of truth, righteousness, and moral excellence.

5. Covenant’s Christian and Classical education upholds a standard of academic rigor where students are challenged to meet high academic expectations and experience the genuine satisfaction that comes from doing their best work, thereby bringing glory to God.

6. Covenant prioritizes the essential need to master the English language and seeks to graduate students with strong reading, writing, and speaking skills, necessary for critical thinking, discernment and the defense of truth.

7. Covenant prepares students with a broad liberal arts education for service to God, His Church, and society. This wide spectrum includes instruction in language arts, mathematics, lab science, social science, world languages, the fine arts, technology, and physical education. Each is integral to a classical, well-balanced curriculum.

8. Covenant’s faculty seeks to implement documented well-researched methodology in teaching practices. While Covenant’s philosophy of education is not dependent on innovations in the content of education, we recognize that the study of pedagogy (how to teach) has yielded vital information to enhance learning. Covenant’s professional faculty members employ proven methods of instruction to address basic learning styles.

9. Covenant’s community reflects an atmosphere of love and respect for the individual that strengthens our bond with one another.

School History:

Covenant Christian School was founded in 1991 in Hamilton, MA. It began with students in pre-kindergarten through grade six. In 1993, the school moved to the Second Congregational Church in North Beverly with a student body of 35. In 1996, grades 7 and 8 were added to the program.

In 2001, a strategic plan was completed that included relocating to a new facility, expanding the lower grades to two sections each, and adding grades 9-12. In 2005, the Board of Directors voted unanimously to move the school to West Peabody, MA. CCA purchased and renovated the West Peabody Office Park, originally the John F. Kennedy Junior High School (part of Peabody Public Schools). Covenant Christian Academy began meeting in the new facility on September 15, 2005. At this time, the name was changed from Covenant Christian School to Covenant Christian Academy. In September 2006, a high school program was added, and 20 freshmen began classes.

On November 18, 2009, CCA was approved by the NEAS&C commission for accreditation. On December 12, 2009, CCA received approval for accreditation by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI).

On June 12, 2010, Covenant Christian Academy celebrated Commencement Exercises for the Class of 2010, the inaugural 12th grade class. By September 2016, enrollment climbed over 270 students, including 10 international students, and Covenant Christian Academy entered it's 25th year.

Notes/School Information:

The Christian and Classical Academic Programs at CCA are designed to read like a great book, one in which every chapter is savored, and devoured; a book in which we take the time to recognize each chapter's integral importance to the rest of the story; a story where the connections are rich and worthy of discussion, where questions are a natural by-product that lead to greater understanding; a story that is so much bigger than its parts. Every step of our journey through grammar school must make sense in relation to the prior chapters as well as to those that follow in the Upper Schools of Logic and Rhetoric. We want our students to understand the story of our world. Ideas must build upon one another in order for children to connect the dots and make sense of such an enormous body of facts, dates and ideas. Students must be able to close a chapter and hold onto a thorough summary before moving on. The story must be presented in a way that entices the reader to keep going, turning pages and savoring each and every word.

Following the pattern of the trivium means that every level of instruction at Covenant is preparatory. Each stage overlaps and anticipates the others, ultimately preparing students to reach the highest level in every discipline. The power and value of this pattern is the carefully crafted scope and sequence that forms a cohesive, Pre-K through grade 12 program that challenges students according to their developing capacities to realize their full potential.

As a Christian school, Covenant provides students with rigorous instruction in every academic discipline from a perspective that includes the reality of God, the importance of Christian faith, and the value of a supportive community. Students learn to see the power and beauty of God in the world around them and study the special revelation of God in the person of Jesus Christ. Students at every level receive instruction in Bible and participate in weekly chapels aimed at helping students understand what it means to know God personally and by faith. Finally, each student is a valued member of the school community and is recognized as an individual with God-given gifts and talents just waiting to be nurtured and fully expressed.

Classical education is a distinctive educational philosophy that is experiencing a resurgence in America and throughout the world. While the growth of classical schools is relatively recent, the powerful ideas behind it are rooted in ancient Greece, the birthplace of education. The essential advantage of classical education is its comprehensive instruction in both the ideas and the ideals that have shaped Western civilization.

As a classical school, Covenant provide students with rigorous instruction in all the academic disciplines while also holding before them essential character virtues such as goodness, honor, and justice. This stands in increasingly stark contrast to modern educational trends, which have moved away from challenging students to master this rich content and have gone intentionally silent on issues of virtue, truth, and character. In short, classical schooling is education with a soul that graduates students who are prepared to read widely, think deeply, act nobly, write clearly and speak well.

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