Fortune and Venture LLC

Fortune and Venture LLC Logo

Basic Information

Address: 2436 W. Coast Hwy #210 Newport Beach CA 92663
Phone Number: 714-679-6600
Person of Contact: Paul Vasey

Action Shots

Fortune and Venture LLC
Fortune and Venture LLC
Fortune and Venture LLC
Fortune and Venture LLC

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information


Ages 13 and older. High School, College,Home Schooling, Foundations

Focus: Personal Finance
Software Titles: CashCrunch 101
Company History:

Fortune and Venture LLC was founded by a former teacher of Business Studies from the UK. He developed after noticing that students struggled with finance. His students felt it was Math and for a lot of students, were intimidated. Combined with the fact that we are taught not to talk about money, CashCrunch 101, the first in a series of games, was born to break the taboo of money and learn solid money habits through an online game. His philosophy is to get the student to consider alternative opportunities before spending, get into the habit of saving, and realize that every action has a consequence. It is hoped that the online game will facilitate discussions. The more you talk, the more you understand. Every teen has an opinion. Let them apply their opinion through game play. Students are able to make mistakes in a game, figure out how to handle money in the simplest sense and therefore not have to make expensive mistakes in the real world.

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