Lakes Region Airport Shuttle

Basic Information

Address: 716 Sanborn Rd Sanbornton, NH 03269
Phone Number: 888-386-8181
Fax Number: 603-286-2060
Owner/Director: D.St.Gelais

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Status: Fully Operational
NLA (National Limousine Association) Member?: Yes
Years in Business: 11 Yrs.
Vehicle Options: Mini Vans; Yukon SUV's; Chevy 14 Passenger Express Vans; Sprinter Van; Audi A-6 Sedans
Vehicle Features: New and All the amenities.
Hours of Availability: 24/7/365
Office Hours: 24 Hrs.
Payment Methods: Cash; VISA; MC; Disc; AMEX; Debit CC
New Customer Discount: Military Disc; Senior Citizen Disc; Family Flat Rate; Corporate Travelers Disc.
Gratuity: Discretionary
Online Quote: TotallyFunctional
We Plan Customized Trips: Yes
Cancel Without Penalty: 24 Hr. Notice
No Show Charges: Full fare

Can be seen and read on our website.

Area(s) Served: New England - NH, MA, ME
Company History:

Website -

Company Slogan: Relax, We'LL Drive!

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