Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Logo

Basic Information

Address: Boyar Building Mount Scopus Jerusalem 9190501 Israel
Phone Number: 972-2-5882600
Fax Number: 972-2-5882363
Director/Owner: Malka Rappaport Hovav (Provost)

Action Shots

Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Rothberg International School at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

CIS Coordinator: Lena Berkun
Human Resources Executive Director: Hagit Levy
Ages: 17-40
Nationalities: All
Language(s): English, Hebrew, Arabic
School Types: University
Tuition: Varies by program
Financial Aid:

A number of need-based and/or merit scholarships are available to RIS students from the Office of Academic Affairs in the United States and the Friends of the Hebrew University offices in France, Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. Candidates should contact the office in their home country for information and application forms. Diversity students are encourage to apply for the Diversity Abroad Israel Scholarship.

Enrollment: 2,000 students
School Setting:

From the hilltop of the Mount Scopus campus, the incredible panorama of Jerusalem unfolds. Medieval maps show Jerusalem as the heart of the world. Astonishingly, it remains there: the seam line where East meets West, and where Judaism, Christianity, and Islam intersect.


Varies by program

Support Services: Our Office of Student Life provides excellent student support including a staff of multilingual Israeli students (called madrichim) who will live alongside you on you and plan events and trips to explore Jerusalem and Israel.
Uniform Guidelines:

Varies by program

Admissions Requirements:

Varies by program

Admissions Deadline: Varies by program
Travel/Living Accommodations: Yes

National Directories

AF Sitemap