Arthur Kramer Elementary School

Arthur Kramer Elementary School Logo

Basic Information

Address: 7131 Midbury Drive Dallas, TX 75230
County: Dallas
District: Dallas Independent School District
Phone Number: 972-794-8300
Fax Number: 972-794-8301
Principal: Katherine Wanserski

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Grade Level: Pre-K, K-5
Founded: 1955
School Schedule (Hours in Day): 7:55am-2:55pm; Extended day on Tues, Wed, and Thurs. until 5pm
School Colors: Green and yellow
School Mascot: Colt
School Size: 540 students
After School Programs: Yes
Summer School: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
School Clubs:

Math team, Orchestra, Destination Imagination, Art Club, Fuel Up Fitness, Little Kids Rock (Music Club), Tennis at the JCC, Team Sports (basketball, volleyball, and soccer)

Lunch Availability: Free for all students
Parking Spaces/Availability:

Staff Parking and Street Parking

National Directories

AF Sitemap