Chisholm Elementary School

Basic Information

Address: 557 Ronnoc Lane New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
County: Volusia
District: Volusia
Phone Number: 386-424-2540
Fax Number: 386-424-2500
Principal: Karen L. Beattie, Ed.D.

Action Shots

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Additional Information

School Type: Elementary
Accreditation: AdvancEd
Grade Level: K-5
Founded: 1916
School Setting:

Chisholm Elementary is a community school serving 400 students in New Smyrna Beach. The school was recently awarded an "A" grade from the Florida DOE for their academic achievement. As a Title I school, the school has 68% of its students living in poverty. However, focused on preparing each child for a life of choices and successes, the teachers and staff set high expectations for each child, both academically and behaviorally. The parents, families and community are very involved in supporting the school which is represented by the annual awarding of the State's Five Star Award for community involvement.

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 7:55 AM - 2:10PM
School Days in Calendar Year: 180
School Holidays: Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Day, Spring Break, Memorial Day
School Colors: purple and yellow
School Mascot: Wildcat
School Size: 400
Classroom Size: Varies
Classroom Teachers: 36
Student/Teacher Ratio: Primary 1:18, Intermeditate 1:22
Support Services: Exceptional Student Education Intervention Services Tutoring
After School Programs: Yes
Summer School: Yes
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Two labs, iPads in every class, BYOT school which allows students to bring their own technology for use in school, wireless campus

School Championships:

Odyssey of the Mind 2016 State Champion and attending 2016 World Finals

School Clubs:

Art, Archery, Book, Garden, Running, Future Educators, Lady Cats Dance, Odyssey of the Mind, Student Government Association

Lunch Availability: Yes - purchase, reduced and free
Parking Spaces/Availability:


Uniform Guidelines:

District Policy amended annually

Mission Statement:

Chisholm Elementary: Where Everyone loves, learns and grows!

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

If all teachers implement engaging instruction based on the standards, then academic achievement will increase for all students.

Enrollment Characteristics: 66% white, 19% black, 9% multi, 5% Hispanic, 2% other 67% poverty 13% SWD 25% Gifted 1% ELL

National Directories

AF Sitemap