Technology High School

Technology High School Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1801 East Cotati Avenue Sonoma State University Campus Rohnert Park, CA 94928
County: Sonoma
District: Cotati Rohnert Park Unified
Phone Number: 707-792-4825
Fax Number: 707-792-4727
Principal: Robert Steffen

Action Shots

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Additional Information

School Type: Public, Magnet High School
Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges; 2013 - 2019
Grade Level: 9-12
Founded: 2002
School Setting:

Technology High School is located on the campus of Sonoma State University.

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.
School Days in Calendar Year: 180 Days
School Colors: Blue & White
School Mascot: Titans
School Size: 315 Students
Classroom Size: Approximately 30 students
Classroom Teachers: 13 full time teahers
Student/Teacher Ratio: 25:1
Support Services: 1 Principal; 1 Counselor; 1.5 secretaries; 0.2 Educational Specialist
PTA Organization: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Students bring their own devices and are wifi supported; Additionally students have access to district owned computers including Chrome Books, creating a 1:1 computer supported environment.

School Championships:

Technology High School has entered the second full year of participation in California Interscholastic Federation Athletics. Team and individual sports include: Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, Wrestling, Basketball, Softball, Baseball, Track & Field, Tennis, Golf, and Swimming.

School Clubs:

Robotics; Interact; Speech & Debate; plus various interest based clubs are experienced annually.

Lunch Availability: The 'open campus' system offers venues on the campus of Sonoma State University, plus local commercial locations.
Parking Spaces/Availability:

Sonoma State University manages parking availability.

Mission Statement:

Technology high School seeks to develop the talents of motivated students to become thoughtful and productive members of an increasingly global and 21st Century technological society. Technology High School offers a rigorous and innovative college-preparatory curriculum to ensure that, upon graduation, all students are indeed prepared for college and/or career.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

At Technology High School, students, staff, parents and our community partners understand that it takes a team effort to foster successful lifelong learning. All Technology High School community members have a voice and work together toward the development of the whole child; preserving their uniqueness while preparing them to be a productive, contributing member of our diverse society.

The community promotes high expectations for academic excellence through five tenets. Student achievement is accomplished through innovative, powerful project-based teaching and learning of the standards-based integrated curriculum in a safe, caring small school environment. Students are empowered to manage their learning through the use of technology tools. Instruction is personalized and differentiated based on the learning styles of
the student. Students are assessed using multiple measures which help guide staff in supporting student achievement. Standards-aligned research-based instructional strategies are the focal point of the school’s professional development program.

The Technology High School Expected School-wide Learning Outcomes, including Personal Integrity, Effective Communication, Citizenship and Global Responsibility, Critical Thinking, and Reflective Learning, are learning outcomes that provide the foundation for positive student behavior and are integrated throughout the school environment.

Students are influential in how their school is run through the leadership program. Students are encouraged and nurtured by recognition programs, PTSA family events, engaged parents, a caring staff, dedicated volunteers and many community partners. It is the vision of Technology High School that all students will contribute to our society, experience academic success, possess a strong sense of self-worth and leave the school with the attitude, skills, and knowledge to be critical thinkers, problem-solvers, and lifelong learners.

Enrollment Characteristics: Data analysis of student enrollment over the past six years indicates that the percentage of Technology High School students who identify themselves as Hispanic/Latino is increasing. This demographic change in enrollment by ethnicity is consistent with the Cotati-Rohnert Park School District as a whole. The predominant primary language other than English in the school and district is Spanish. The additional significant population group is the socioeconomically disadvantaged which once again, mirrors the larger community.

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