Great Minds of Michigan

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Basic Information

Company Slogan: Fostering success in development, learning, and living
Director: Janet Reed, PhD
Address: 200 Diversion Street, Rochester Hills, MI 48307
Services For:

Educational consultation and training
Developmental evaluation
Gifted evaluation
Educational evaluation
ADHD and other neurodevelopmental evalaution
Psychological evaluation
Neuropsychological evaluation

Phone Number: 855-478-6467
Fax Number: 855-847-7656
Office Hours: By appointment

Board Certified in Clinical Neuropsychology

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Membership in Organizations:

Diplomate, American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology

American Psychological Association
Michigan Psychological Association

Area of Focus/Practice Interest:

Children and adults with special learning, emotional, medical, and neurologic needs

Client Age Group: B - 55
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Pediatric Neuropsychology

PhD, Clinical Child Psychology

MHA, Health Administration

MA, Clinical Psychology
BA, Honors Psychology

Professional Work Setting:

Private practice office

Experience in medical, academic, and mental health settings

Services Provided:

Consultation with parents, schools, physicians and patients

Psychological and neuropsychological evaluation and diagnostic services
Continuing education for early child, mental health, and educational practitioners
Program evaluation
Consultation to mental health providers, programs and health plans

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

I believe in fostering the success of individuals based on their strengths, needs, and goals

National Directories

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