Distance Learning

Distance learning is a rapidly growing trend in today's academic world, and has found wide acceptance in higher education in the United States and other developed countries. It remedies many logistical problems that are associated with traditional classroom settings, such as the need to be present on campus at a certain time, which is often a prohibitive stumbling block for those who work full time. While distance learning can be conducted via a variety of communication media, the preferred method today is to deliver course content and facilitate interaction among students and between the instructor and the student via the World Wide Web.

Instructional design coordinators are responsible for overseeing the development and distribution of web-based course content, working with instructors to develop and maintain functional web pages and facilitate the use of dynamic web applications for the distribution of course content, assessments, communication, grade reporting, as well as other tasks required to conduct a complete online learning program via the web.

The advantages to this form of instruction include flexibility for both the students and the instructor in regards to the time spent towards the course, as students are able to log on to the course web site at any time of the day or night. They also enjoy the freedom of being able to complete coursework from any location, as students are generally not required to come to campus at all for courses that are taught fully online.

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