Further Evolutions of UDL/UID/UDI

From this early work, a number of Post-Secondary institutions in the USA, and Canada have adopted this approach and in the case of a Provincially funded project conducted in Ontario (Learning Opportunities Task Force), further work was done exploring how these principles could be implemented and what their impact would be. Two Post-Secondary institutions, University of Guelph and Georgian College headed-up projects to explore the use of Universal Instructional Design. University of Guelph used a "third" party research approach more in line with traditional research methodology, whereas Georgian College in partnership with Trent University, Nippissing University, Canadore College and Canadian Forces School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, used a design research approach making use of instructor narratives on how they felt about the experience of conducting their classes using the principles, and using qualitative and quantitative methods with the students.

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