Meadowbrook Academy

Meadowbrook Academy Logo

Basic Information

Address: 817 Meadowbrook Drive King, NC 27021
Phone Number: 336-985-3224
Fax Number: 336-985-3568
Director: David Hicks - Principal

Action Shots

Meadowbrook Academy
Meadowbrook Academy
Meadowbrook Academy
Meadowbrook Academy

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Founded: 1997
School Setting:

100% Blended (Digital) Learning

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 6.75
School Days in Calendar Year: 176
School Size: 100
Classroom Size: 15 or less
Student/Teacher Ratio: 1:15

HS: 1 teacher per core subject; MS: ELA/SS; SS/Sci; HS CTE


DIGITAL through APEX Learning, OdysseyWare, READ 180, Explore Learning, Study Island

Percentage of Graduating Class: 49.7
Support Services: Strictly Academic Enviornment
Computer Capabilities:

Over 150 devices: students have signed devices in each Class.

Uniform Guidelines:

District Dress Code

Residential: Yes
Counseling Services: Yes
Mission Statement:

Making connections one student at a time - Emotionally, Academically, and Socially.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Meadowbrook Academy is a school community committed to learning, support, respect, and growth.

School History:

The school went through a transition in 2011 when the school became a priority school. A new principal was assigned and a vision or structure and learning was put in place. The school goals became (and remain) Attendance, Attitude, and Academics. In 2012, Meadowbrook transition into a 100% blended environment in order to focus on each student "individualized" curriculum. Students were placed in classes based on their specific needs and learning capabilities. Since then, the school has seem tremendous success through attendance rate (13% to 80%), success rate (based on student achieving their next level of education - 21% to 90+%), and graduation rate. (9% to 49%).

Program and Services:

On Campus Guidance; partnerships with community colleges.

Notes/School Information:

Meadowbrook focuses on each individual student in every aspect of their education. This includes assisting the student secure their future after high school. We have partnerships with the surrounding community colleges and the local job force agencies to help our students further their education or enter the workforce after graduation.

National Directories

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