She Counts Inc

She Counts Inc Logo

Basic Information

Address: PO Box 1063 Owings Mills MD 21117
Phone Number: 410-449-4475

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Founded: 2009
Ages/Grades: Girls; 6-12
Classroom Size: 15-20
Camp Programs: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
School History:


She Counts Inc. operates on the premise that entrepreneurship encourages young girls to care about their economic significance and, thus, has a positive influence on their lives. Empowering young girls to think forward about their financial independence not only lays the ground work for their future but also boost their self-esteem and combats domestic violence, teen pregnancy and high school dropout rates.

Many girls see economic independence as a means of freedom from relying on others to survive and thus allowing them to make life choices and pursue their aspirations. Girls think more expansively about their own lives and form aspirations through our program. Even in the most dispiriting environments, decision-making, management, leadership and income-generating skills provide girls with an increased sense of autonomy and empowerment.


Notes/School Information:

She Counts Inc. offers self esteem, financial literacy, career, leadership and entrepreneur development programs and mentoring services for teen girls in Baltimore Maryland and surrounding counties

School Motto: Shaping Girls into Leadrs

National Directories

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