Early Academic Outreach Program

The Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) was established in 1976 by the University of California (UC) in response to the State Legislature's recommendation to expand post-secondary opportunities to all of California’s students including those who are first-generation, socioeconomically disadvantaged, and English-language learners. As UC's largest academic preparation program, EAOP assists middle and high school students with academic preparation, admissions requirements, and financial aid requirements for higher education. The program designs and provides services to foster students’ academic development, and delivers those services in partnership with other academic preparation programs, schools, other higher education institutions and community/industry partners.

The program’s goal of increased access for educationally disadvantaged students to the University of California is grounded in the philosophy that preparing for success in college is not simply one of many options for young people; it is their right. Therefore, EAOP takes seriously the task of ensuring that EAOP students acquire the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed at the University of California and at other institutions of higher education.

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