Oak Hill Academy

Oak Hill Academy Logo

Basic Information

Address: 2635 Oak Hill Road, Mouth of Wilson, Va 24363
County: Grayson County
Phone Number: 276 579-2619
Fax Number: 276 579-4722
President: Dr. Michael Groves
School Type: Coed, College Prep Boarding School

Action Shots

Oak Hill Academy
Oak Hill Academy
Oak Hill Academy
Oak Hill Academy

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Founded: 1878
Ages/Grades: grades 8-12
School Setting:

Rural, 240 acre campus with 5 boys' dormitories and 1 three story, large girls' dormitory. Campus is set in the Blue Ridge Mountains giving access to a lot of outdoor activities and our equestrian program.

School Size: 150 students
Classroom Size: average 8-10
Student/Teacher Ratio: 9:1
Tuition: $29,860
Financial Aid:

yes, but limited


Art, Athletics, Administration, English, Social Studies, Science, Math, Music, Theatre, Equestrian, Residence Life, Campus Activities


College Prep with Dual College Credit classes available in core courses

Percentage of Graduating Class: 100
Support Services: Afterschool tutorials available each class day Peer Tutoring Program Nursing Staff College Planning SAT and ACT Prep Classes Youth Group
Summer School: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Each student receives a Dell laptop for daily and evening use. We place some restrictions on internet access

School Championships:

9 times National Basketball Champions

School Clubs:

Badminton, Ski Club (Snowboarding), Paintball, Trail Running, Hiking, Biking and Canoeing outings offered, Golf, Frisbee Golf, Dance, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Intramurals, Drama, Art, Leadership, Service Organizations, National Honor Society, Youth Group, Social Issues Forum, Honor Court

Notable Graduates:

Carmelo Anthony

Parking Spaces/Availability:

Throughout campus

Uniform Guidelines:

Students wear uniform during the day and on off-campus outings. Khaki's and polos with a variety of sweaters and pullovers. School shoe is the Sperry Topsider. Overcoat, Sports Coat (for boys), and Tie also come with the 32 item uniform packet. Students wear their own clothes after school hours and on weekends.

Admissions Requirements:

Application form, 2 recommendation forms and a copy of the transcript. Interview with student via phone, Skype or, ideally, as part of a campus visit is required.

Mission Statement:

Oak Hill Academy is a coeducational, Baptist affiliated, boarding/day school committed to excellence in education and adolescent development in a non-military setting. The mission of Oak Hill Academy is to offer a safe, secure, nurturing environment for girls and boys needing a change in school, peer, community, or family relationships. Oak Hill provides a structured college-preparatory program to students in grades 8-12. Our curriculum challenges the brightest student and encourages those who are unmotivated, who are underachieving, or who are experiencing difficulties in their school setting.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Your teen is bright, but their grades have slipped. They’re having difficulty in school, whether academically or socially. You feel they’re squandering their potential, and you’re worried about their future. To make the kinds of changes that are needed, a change in environment may be necessary. They need a turning point in their lives. Your research has led you here.
Since 1878, Oak Hill Academy has transformed the lives of hundreds of unmotivated students. In the heart of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, our safe, co-ed boarding school combines structure with self-reliance, discipline with discovery, and a firm hand with a warm heart. Our curriculum challenges the brightest students and encourages those who are unmotivated or experiencing difficulty in their school or home setting.
In every life, there is a life-changing moment of discovery. It may be the sudden rush of confidence when you master something difficult. It may be the joy at finding a talent you didn’t know you had. It may come from a passage in a book, a walk in the mountains, or something a teacher says that stays with you. Attending Oak Hill is also a turning point.
* Our philosophy is based on four beliefs:
* Deep down inside, all children are good.
* Regardless of academic ability, every child is capable of success.
* All children would rather succeed than fail.
Once a child gets a taste of success, he or she will want more.
Four simple beliefs. One dramatic result. A turning point in your child’s life. And, maybe, in yours.

School History:


In the mid 1800s, members of small Baptist churches in Ashe County, North Carolina, and Grayson County, Virginia, envisioned a place of learning for the children of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountain Region. In 1873, the New River Baptist Association of Virginia voted to establish Oak Hill Academy. Oak Hill held its first session in the fall of 1878. Traditional hallmarks of the school have remained intact throughout the generations: co-educational, boarding, Baptist affiliated, mission-focused, and uniquely diverse.
The Rev. J. F. Fletcher Chapel was constructed in 1974 in honor of one of the Academy's forefathers
The Rev. J. F. Fletcher Chapel was constructed in 1974 in honor of one of the Academy’s forefathers
With such a rich heritage, Oak Hill Academy has experienced many different facets of leadership and association. At one time in the mid twentieth century, the Academy was concurrently operated by the local public school system and by different sections of the Baptist Convention. Today the school is governed by an independent board of trustees.
While the constituents of the Academy may now arrive to the 240-acre campus from afar, and accreditation is bestowed from state and nationally recognized education associations, the beautiful setting and intentionality of the school’s program continue along the visionary path of the Oak Hill Academy founders.
Of course much has changed since the school’s inception in 1878. New buildings, modern technology, and contemporary methods of learning characterize our daily operations today. Yet, at its core, the spirit of Oak Hill Academy remains intact … administration, faculty, and staff members partnering together on “the hill” in a life-affecting mission. Providing an educational alternative to today’s teenagers and their families … what could be more important?
The Oak Hill Academy mission is proudly steeped in tradition dating to 1878. This is a mission that remains vibrant and relevant, and continues unabated.

Notes/School Information:
  • A structured, personal environment that is supportive, not punitive.
  • Small, college-prep classes that address learning styles and engage students at a level they may be missing in their current school.
  • A sense of independence and maturity in a safe, supervised, and motivating setting.
For students needing to redefine themselves in a place where positive relationships lead to self confidence and motivation, Oak Hill Academy has proven to be the turning point.

Tours are offered by appointment.
Rolling admission as long as space is available

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