European School in Central Asia (ESCA)

European School in Central Asia (ESCA) Logo

Basic Information

Address: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 67 A Bronirovannaya Street
Phone Number: 00 996 312 21 44 06
Fax Number: NA
Director/Owner: Marta Inga Bobiatynska

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Ages: 2-18
Accreditation/Affiliation: International Baccalaureate World School, Cambridge International School
Nationalities: 34 different nationalities as of February 2016
Language(s): English is the main language of instruction. Foreign language options include Kyrgyz, Russian, French, and Mandarin, with German and Spanish being offered after school.
School Types: Non-profit
School Schedule (Hours in Day): Open from 7:45 to 17:30
Classroom Size: 20 students
Student/Teacher Ratio: 3/1

ESCA follows Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) curriculum and will introduce International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in September 2016 with further plans to introduce International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) and International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP).

Extracurricular Activities: ESCA offers over 20 different after school activities. The full list is available at
Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to enable our students to:
 Develop their intellectual curiosity and achieve their academic, sporting and creative potential;
 Be confident in their abilities and respectful of others;
 Learn about local and global issues and prepare to tackle common challenges.

In a school which:
 Delivers and celebrates excellent teaching for internationally accredited education;
 Values diversity;
 Contributes positively to development of the Kyrgyz Republic

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Our Vision:
To be the best international school in Central Asia providing inspirational education in a happy environment
for globally minded students who are the leaders of the future.

School History:

In spring 2010 some parents who were unhappy with the provision of international education in Bishkek decided to establish a non-profit community school to provide:

· High quality international education at reasonable cost
· Community and parental involvement in the school
· A broader impact on education in the Kyrgyz Republic

The European School in Central Asia was legally registered on December 1st 2010. The first School Advisory Council meeting was held with the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Roza Otunbaeva, on May 16th 2011 in the Ministry of Education.

The school building was identified in June 2011 and purchased in July 2011 using founders’ grant contributions, founders’ loans and a bank loan.

The school opened on September 1st 2011 with 20 children enrolled, ages two to ten years old.

Continuous improvement has been a constant feature of the school, with governance by the community to build a great institution with solid foundations providing excellent education for children.

Employment Opportunities:

National Directories

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