Bully Bytes from SchoolToolsTv

Bully Bytes from SchoolToolsTv Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1052 Redwood Highway #109 Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone Number: 415-948-0668
Director: Rusty May

Action Shots

Bully Bytes from SchoolToolsTv
Bully Bytes from SchoolToolsTv
Bully Bytes from SchoolToolsTv

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Focus: Relationship gap social skills activities social skills worksheets social skills lesson plans social skills games social skills training social skills curriculum social skills lesson social skills for children Social Emotional Literacy SEL behavior education program character bullying self esteem resiliency school manners respect advisory friends fighting rules talking classroom discipline frustration testing cyberbully rumors clicks popular victims exercise safety teamwork wellness responsibility friendship honesty motivation RTI school safety positive classroom environments developmental needs anger management
Grade Levels: K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Length: 25-30 minutes for lower grades and 35-50 minutes for upper grades.

Split between participating schools.

Pricing: $500 - 1, $800 - 2, $1,000 - 3

Counselor in the Classroom: How to create effective educational relationships and teach the social skills need for success in the classroom.

Zero Tolerance Doesn't Work: They make mistakes. Do we teach them a new way or send them home where they learned it in the first place?

The Army of One: Helping teachers understand themselves as teachers, notice challenges & model skills.

Safe & Successful Online - All students are using the internet & technology in some way, shape or form, but there's a lack of cohesion and a disconnect in schools about what they should be doing and how to teach them to be safe. In the 21st century, these topics are as important as reading, writing and math.

Setup: 15 minutes
Takedown: 15 minutes
Equiptment: Projection Screen and Microphone.
Special Requirements: na

Video, graphics, music, student involvement, discussion and prizes.

Mission Statement:

Social skills need to be taught into being instead of punished into extinction. I provide quality assemblies, followed up with daily videos throughout the year, to help teachers and students connect through conversation.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

I’m a counselor, life coach and professional speaker who specializes in helping teachers and students create mutually beneficial educational relationships. Education is primarily about the relationship between the teacher and student. A teacher can be completely proficient with the information and still not connect with the students at the developmental level required for the information to come alive in the classroom. Students who come from challenging backgrounds often haven’t been taught how to bond with others, trust adults or focus in the classroom so they struggle and can take valuable teachable time away from the rest of the class. I created SchoolToolsTv (STTV) to help teachers and students connect and create the kind of relationships necessary to allow the class to achieve at the highest level possible. STTV focuses on emotions, manners, bullying and the basic social skills all students need to succeed. STTV creates a conversation in the classroom that fosters a deeper and more meaningful connection between teacher and students.

Program History:

I have a Master’s in counseling with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential and have done over 3,000 presentations in the K-12 environment over the past 8 years. SchoolToolsTv is currently being watched daily by over 15,000 students across the United States and in several others countries including Canada and Australia.


We cannot say thank you enough for this gift that you give us each morning. My students love listening. We have our own personalized journals and we answer your question in our journals and then share what we're thinking. It's been amazing to watch my students transform some of their bad behaviors. Last week especially was important for us. Your 3 ideas of Telling your brain what to do, Slowing down and Being brave has really stuck with us. We even have it up on a poster. Some of my kids who often get sucked into the off task behavior are really feeling the power to say no as they are "being brave" to stand up for what they know is right. We have had so many special moments this week in being able to recognize students as they are brave and as they are slowing down. Thank you for taking your time to put this together and offer it to educators at such a reasonable price! My students all wanted you to know that they are really thankful for you this Thanksgiving as well.

Date of Posting: 01 December 2011
Posted By: Jessica Hubbard
2nd Grade- Mabel Rush, Oregon

Hi Rusty, Just a big thank you for the morning programs. Being the only adult in the building, your presence in the morning is like having a colleague on site, at least for 1 minute, give or take. My students looked forward to our Schooltoolstv time every day and your program prompted many very valuable discussions. Your program also helps us meet our alternative standard requirement for our curriculum in the area of guidance. We're out for the year, all of us having exciting plans for the summer. Thanks again for being there for us. See you in the fall.

Date of Posting: 01 June 2011
Posted By: Kathy Currie
K-6 Teacher, Nye, Montana

I wanted you to know that my 6th & 7th grade students have accepted your challenge to develop the habit of being more respectful. We made a commitment paper and hung it in the front of the room and we all signed it. We then check ourselves throughout the day to see how we are doing. The students are excited about changing our school by being more respectful.

Date of Posting: 24 March 2011
Posted By: Nancy Fish
Special Education Teacher, A. R. Rucker Middle School, Lancaster, South Carolina

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