Mr. Amazing's Circus Show & Exploratorium

Basic Information

Address: 279 South Broadway, Nyack, NY 10960
Phone Number: 8457215059
Director: Carlo Pellegrini

Action Shots

Mr. Amazing's Circus Show & Exploratorium
Mr. Amazing's Circus Show & Exploratorium
Mr. Amazing's Circus Show & Exploratorium
Mr. Amazing's Circus Show & Exploratorium

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Focus: school assemblies
Grade Levels: Pre-K, K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Length: half-day and full-day programs

from Nyack to 100 mile raius

Pricing: $850 for one show; $1,250 for two shows in same morning

Juggling Makes You Smart - Circus Makes You Brilliant!
The Balance & Motion Circus

Residencies: CircusWEEK - circus artist-in-residency for a week, all classes
Setup: one hour
Takedown: one hour
Equiptment: backdrop, gymnastic mat, tightwire (self-supporting)
Special Requirements: none

CircusWEEK assures that every student Joins the Circus that week! 100% participation by all students in PE classes. Circus Curriculum for the Classroom tied to learning standards available. Our most requested artist-in-residency program. Awarded a Certificate of Congressional Recognition in 2008 for NY programs for children. Students learn self-confidence by learning circus skills such as juggling, spinning plates, walking the tight-wire and building human pyramids.

Mission Statement:

Amazing Grace CIRCUS! is a community circus with a social purpose: we bring the joy of circus to children of all ages by teaching them the principles of Confidence.Imagination.Resiliency.Cooperation.Understanding.Success. By learning circus skills, they learn the lessons of life by defying gravity and soaring to success.

Program History:

Amazing Grace CIRCUS! is celebrating its 15th year of bringing circus to children of all ages. AGC! serves over 3,000 children a year through assemblies, performances and workshops.


"The best circus program we have ever had." - assistant principal, Washington Irving School, Tarrytown, NY
"Please come again and again." - principal, Dows Lane Elementary School, Irvington, NY
"Your circus trainers are the best: they love the students and the students love them back." - principal, Pocantico Hills School, Sleepy Hollow, NY
"Circus arts is a bona fide art and should be funded more and more in NY State." - director, NY State Council on the Arts

Additional Information:

Awards: 2012 NY State Certificate of Recognition for Children's Programming, Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Awards: 2010 October 10: Circus Day in Nyack by Decree of Mayor of Nyack
Awards: 2008 Congressional Certificate of Recognition for Children's Programming, Sen. Hillary Clinton

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