Mark Shepard's DrumSongStory

Basic Information

Address: 9 Maple Ave
Phone Number: 203-804-1208
Fax Number: 2038041208
Director: Mark Shepard

Action Shots

Mark Shepard's DrumSongStory
Mark Shepard's DrumSongStory
Mark Shepard's DrumSongStory
Mark Shepard's DrumSongStory

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Focus: Multi-Cultural Tolerance and Creativity
Grade Levels: K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Length: 45-60 Minutes

Throughout the Northeast

Pricing: $750-$2500 depending on distance and number of performances
Setup: usually about an hour
Takedown: usually about an hour
Equiptment: I bring my own state of the are Bose sound system

"Your visit to Naramake School last week was wonderful. I bought one of your tapes and my kids just love it. They listen to it every night at bed time they must know every song or story by now, they are always singing the songs. We are also trying to make some of the instruments. I just wanted to say thank you and please keep up the good work." - Erica Hines, Naramake School, Norwalk, CT

"Everyone enjoyed your performance. I only heard rave reviews from the teachers and my own children who particularly had a good time." - Mindy Halsey, The Children’s School, Stamford, CT

"Such a fabulous Performance!! All the students (K-8) were still buzzing about it the next day. the teachers had nothing but great praise for the assembly. DrumSongStory is tops." -Karen Clark, Sterling Memorial School, Oneco, CT

"What went well? EVERYTHING! Excellent performance!" - Barbara Weiss, Temple Hill academy, Newburgh NY

"Brisk, entertaining and appropriately participatory. Presented for each span of grades at the right level for understanding and appreciation." - Brian Ary, Headmaster Buckley School, NYC

"Thank you so much for the special evening you gave us. Your program is universally appealing. It was enjoyed by toddlers, grandparents and everyone in between and crossed over cultures and backgrounds!" - Patricia Hallinan, Uriah Hill Elementary School, Peekskill, NY

"Terrific audience participation! Educationally and artistically valuable. I would recommend this program to any school!" - Dr. Jerome J. Zack, Banford ES, Canton NY

"The students were ENTHRALLED!" - Susan Woythaler, Portsmouth RI Schools

"Outstanding! The staff surveys have been extremely positive." - Linda Winzer, Lyme Consolidated School

"This was so much better than hat I though I had booked!" - Peggy Sheehan, Bethlehem ES

"One student said, 'Mr Shepard is a master teacher. Language Arts, Geography, Music and even Creole and French were included in his performance of the Drum of The Elephant King.' I thought her comment exemplified how truly impressive your performance was!" - Tara Flores, Oliver MS, Lawrence MA

Additional Information:

Mark Shepard is a multi-disciplinary performing and teaching artist who uses drums, songs and stories to interactively engage, entertain and educate audiences of all ages in performance, keynote and staff development programs.

Since 1993 he has been recognized as a "master teaching artist" by…
• the state of Connecticut
• the New York State Council on the Arts
• the New England Foundation for the Arts

In 2014 his song, "Together We Can Change The World" was honored with a Posi Award and is the theme song of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines.

In 2007 - 2010 he wrote the music and words for two children's musical, "Letters To Daddy" and "BeautyFull" both of which were honored by performances at the New York Musical Theater Festival (NYMF).

To date he has:
• Released almost 2 dozen CD's for both children and adults,
• Authored three books, "The Bully Proof Kid", "What if It's Perfect" and "It's Not Just About The Food"
• Created an online video course for anxiety sufferers around the world "How To Stop Anxiety without Harmful

Drugs and Endless Therapy"
• Developed a home study course, "How To Clear The Fear Fast" and
• Over a dozen different programs for schools and family concert venues

To book a school assembly or program now…
• Call: 203-804-1208
• Email:

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