Mobile Ed Productions, Inc.

Mobile Ed Productions, Inc. Logo

Basic Information

Address: 26018 W. Seven Mile Road Redford, MI 48240
Phone Number: 800.433.7459
Fax Number: 313.533.4455
Director: Gloria Hall

Action Shots

Mobile Ed Productions, Inc.
Mobile Ed Productions, Inc.
Mobile Ed Productions, Inc.
Mobile Ed Productions, Inc.

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Focus: Educational assembly programs and hands-on experiences.
Grade Levels: K-5, 6-8
Length: 30 - 45 Minutes

Programs available on tour visiting more than 30 states annually.

Pricing: Varies by region.

Many programs are available with optional hands-on workshops while others are entirely hands-on workshop experiences.

Setup: 30 - 60 Minutes
Takedown: 30 - 60 Minutes
Equiptment: We provide almost all of our own equipment. Some programs require tables and access to power outlets.
Special Requirements: Sky Dome and Earth Dome require rooms with high ceilings. STEAM Museum and Kidz Science Safari require adult volunteers for the day.

Mobile Ed Productions is the largest producer of educational assemblies in the country, providing high quality, curriculum-based, educational programs for kids nationwide. Since 1979, our professionally produced programs have toured the nation visiting schools in more than 30 states, with over 30 fine programs.

Mission Statement:

Education through entertainment. We bring the field trip to you!

Additional Information:

Mobile Ed's current roster of programs:

Live Animal Assemblies
Animals and The Environment
Reptiles Are Cool

Science/STEAM Assemblies
Air: The Invisible Wonder
Crime Scene Science
Forces and Motion
Kidz Science Safari
Our Changing Climate
Physics Workshop
Physics is Fun
STEAM Museum
Sky Dome Planetarium
The Earth Dome
The Magic of Science

Character Development Assemblies
Inspector Iwannano
Mr. Peace
Stand-Up, Step-In, and Stop Bullying
Stronger Than A Bully
The No Bully Zone Game Show

History Assemblies
Abraham Lincoln
Benjamin Franklin
Frederick Douglass
George Washington
Mark Twain
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Piankeshaw Trails
Teddy Roosevelt
The Spirit To Overcome
Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Jefferson
Women In History

Performing Arts Assemblies
Mime Time
Music: Arts In Education

Reading/Writing Assemblies
Books Made The Man: Lincoln and Reading
Reading: More Than Words
Young Authors Day"

National Directories

AF Sitemap