The Science Alliance

The Science Alliance Logo

Basic Information

Address: 912 Wells Street Lake Geneva, WI 53147
Phone Number: 262-248-4399
Fax Number: 262-249-7677
Director: Bill Bosworth

Action Shots

The Science Alliance
The Science Alliance
The Science Alliance
The Science Alliance

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Focus: Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Science Fair Success, Entomology
Grade Levels: Pre-K, K-5, 6-8
Length: 45 - 75 minutes

Email or call for details

Pricing: Email or call for pricing - discounts apply for multiple bookings

YES! Email or call for more information

Residencies: YES! Email or call for more information
Setup: 45 minutes
Takedown: 30 minutes
Equiptment: Equipment to facilitate presentation is included
Special Requirements: 2 eight foot tables, trash can with liner, chalkboard or overhead projector

• Fun, Fast-paced & Inspirational • Hands-on & Inquiry-based • GUARANTEED! • Adaptable for any Age Group (K-8) • Easily Customized to meet your Organization's Needs • Age & Grade-level Appropriate • Study Guides Available •

Mission Statement:

The mission of Bill Bosworth and The Science Alliance is to offer a hands-on science experience designed to inspire kids to become enthusiastic about science and to augment and enhance your organization's curriculum or theme. Our goal is to help build kids' self esteem by encouraging them to ask questions, experiment and test theories. By learning to become critical thinkers and problem-solvers and to develop teamwork abilities, kids gain the confidence that is so often lacking in the subject of science.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

We believe that education needs to go beyond data and information accumulation and progress toward the generation of useful and applicable knowledge...a process supported by inquiry-based learning. These up-close and personal presentations & workshops will meet every expectation of unforgettable learning adventures! We GUARANTEE your kids will be alive with excitement and laughter and the unmistakable buzz of children having fun while learning.

Program History:

Bill Bosworth taught high school Chemistry, Physics and Biology for ten years in Lake Geneva WI before deciding that a more hands-on, inquiry-based teaching style was necessary to inspire children to have fun while experiencing the world of science first-hand. In 1990 Bosworth established "The Science Alliance" and for 20 years has traveled around the Midwest sparking enthusiasm in hundreds of thousands of K-8 kids to further their science studies, read more about science, participate in science fairs and even seek a career in the many fields of science available to them.


"Awesome!"..."That was the best science class ever!"..."Mr. Bos is the coolest!"..."I think science has just become my favorite class!"
"These are just a few of the comments that students at Whitewater Middle School expressed after witnessing Bill Bosworth's hands-on educational show, Close Encounters of the Chemical Kind!...As a sixth grade science teacher, I know firsthand the dread that some students feel when confronted with the daunting task of understanding chemistry. However I cannot begin to express the change in attitude and the growth in knowledge that became so obvious after experiencing Close Encounters of the Chemical Kind! Students now look forward to learning Chemistry and ask much more insightful questions after watching and participating in Mr. Bosworth's show. Mr. Bosworth’s energy, excitement, and knowledge are contagious. He has a natural affinity with kids and his humor is threaded throughout the show. Anyone who is fortunate enough to witness one of his shows will have a newfound appreciation for chemistry."
- William Stallings - 6th Grade Science Teacher - Whitewater Middle School, Whitewater, WI


"...your positive and passionate approach to teaching Science captured our students' attention and left them wanting more!!! All of the workshops were totally hands-on and very engaging.The feedback from parents and staff was filled with praise and they asked when you would be back...We HIGHLY recommend you to anyone needing a great Science experience."
- Linda A. - Discovery Corner Chairperson - Willowbrook School, Glenview, IL


"...Your presentations have always been a hit among our students...They love volunteering to participate in your activities and they are thrilled with the many surprises you present...they connect what we do in class with what you present and this makes what I teach more believable to them...I would recommend your programs to any school. Even the teachers of other core subjects love to come to the sessions...We look forward to your return each year!"
- Doug Edmonds - 8th Grade Science Teacher - Wood Oaks Jr. High School, Northbrook, IL


“I liked your Science. You can do Science no one can do. Can you teach me some stuff? Now from what you showed me I want to take Chemistry.
-Your third grade friend, William
P.S. Please write back”


“Dear Mr. Bill,
Thank you for coming to do Science. It was so cool. You are the coolest Scientist ever. I wish you could come again.
From, Gina”


Additional Information:

We are celebrating our 20th year bringing fun and educational science presentations and workshops to hundreds of thousands of K-8 kids all over the Midwest and beyond! We have updated and improved our website so please check out the new fun and interactive site at

National Directories

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