SRP Playgrounds

SRP Playgrounds Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1050 Columbia Dr. Carrollton, GA 30117
Phone Number: 866-397-6039
Person of Contact: Larry Hall

Action Shots

SRP Playgrounds
SRP Playgrounds
SRP Playgrounds

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Store Hours: 8am-5pm
Supplies For: Schools, School Districts
Area Served: Nationwide

school playgrounds
playground sets
accessible playgrounds
creative play

Additional Information:

Superior Recreational Products has spent nearly three decades developing and acquiring product lines that help you play, relax, and live. By utilizing our product lines, we are able to create complete outdoor environments that cultivate community, enrich lives, and allow people to focus on what matters most.
We give children an opportunity to let their imaginations soar on the playground. We shade families relaxing on benches at the park. We create spaces where friendships are made and memories are created!

Our brands embrace our world, and encompass strong community ideals. At Superior Recreational Products, many of our playground structures are ADA compliant providing accessibility for all children. We also strive to design sustainable products and use manufacturing practices that have a low impact on our environment, such as sourcing sustainable and recyclable raw materials.

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