Bedford Adult Education

Basic Information

Address: 1623 W. Sterns Rd. Temperance, MI 48182
County: Monroe
School District: Bedford
Phone Number: 734-850-6050
Fax Number: 734-850-6099
Principal: Cherie Reed, Director
School Type: Adult
Ages: 18-70

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

State School ID: 58030
Registratio Deadline: varies--see website
School Hours: varies--see website
Classes Offered: Adult Basic Education--Math, Reading, Writing, Computer Skills GED Preparation--Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Workplace Literacy, Computer Skills Enrichment classes in Computer Skills and programs, Art, Music, Exercise, Cooking, Mis. Personal Interest topics
Computer Capabilities:

Computer Labs have modern equipment

Parking Spaces/Availability:

Free parking

Mission Statement:

To Promote Lifelong Learning and to increase educational opportunities that can lead to post-secondary degrees and jobs.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

We believe that there is always something new to learn. Learning helps you grow and stay interesting and employable and that learning should be enjoyable and available to all.

National Directories

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