EagleRidge High School

Basic Information

Address: 677 South 7th Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601
County: Klamath
District: Klamath City School District
Phone Number: 541-884-7627
Fax Number: 541-850-1122
Principal: Donald Petersen

Action Shots

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Additional Information

School Type: Charter
Accreditation: AdvanceED NWAC
Grade Level: 9-12
Founded: 2006
School Setting:

Campus near down-town Klamath Falls.

School Schedule (Hours in Day): 8:45-3:20
School Size: 210 Students
Support Services: We do project based learning and use proficiency based grading.
Summer School: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

We have a one to one computing ration with Desk-top computers.

School Clubs:


Lunch Availability: Yes - Free and Reduced
Parking Spaces/Availability:


Uniform Guidelines:

None - Does have dress code that is inforced.

Mission Statement:

Inspired Students Preparing for Life-Long Success in a High Tech. World

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

We believe that all students can learn.

Enrollment Characteristics: Limited to 210 students. We have a waiting list.
School History:

Started as a Charter School by the Klamath City School District.

Programs and Services:

Serve high needs and talented students and everybody in between.

Notes/School Information:

Please see our website at http://eagleridgehigh.com

National Directories

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