Advocacy Unlimited

Basic Information

Company Slogan: A holistic approach to education
Director: Naomi Studevan
Services For:

State(s) services are provided Pennsylvania

Phone Number: 215-572-0612

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Membership in Organizations:

National Association of Professional Women
Board member of the Humanity Preservation Foundation

Client Age Group: 3-21

B.A. in Psychology
Mental Health First Aid
Educational Advocacy
Case management

Services Provided:
  • Creation, implementation and review of evaluations, IEPs, 504 Plans, Functional Behavioral Assessments and Positive Behavioral Support Plans
  • Support during the aformentioned, mediation, reinstatement and other disciplinary processes and obtaining behavioral health support services.
  • Professional development for school and behavioral health staff.

National Directories

AF Sitemap