Effectiveness and Awards

There are contrasting views on the effectiveness of the Mastering platform in improving student performance. According to some research, MasteringPhysics users make 15% fewer mistakes and solve problems 15% more quickly when compared to non-users. Also, the same research suggests that the test scores of MasteringChemistry users have risen by 12%. However, a study at the University of Sydney concluded that MasteringPhysics did not significantly affect exam scores. The researchers proposed that this lack of effectiveness could have been due to the students not taking full advantage of the program's resources. On another note, a study involving MIT students from 2003 states there is significant evidence that students who use MasteringPhysics attain improved problem-solving skills. Effective or not, the 2010 Software & Information Industry Association's CODiE Awards nominated the product for an award in education technology.

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