Hampshire Country School

Hampshire Country School Logo

Basic Information

Address: 28 Patey Circle, Rindge , NH 03461Cheshire
County: Cheshire
Phone Number: 603-899-3325
Fax Number: 603-899-6521

Action Shots

Hampshire Country School
Hampshire Country School
Hampshire Country School
Hampshire Country School

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

President: Headmaster: Bernd Foecking
School Type: Boys' Boarding
Founded: 1948
Ages/Grades: Primarily a middle school, but students may continue into high school. Usual entering age: 8 to 12 years old.
School Setting:

Rustic 1700-acre campus includes open fields, a working farm, simple buildings, 2 ponds (larger is 39 acres), and a 1400 acre nature preserve (“The Wapack Wilderness”).

School Size: 20-25 students
Classroom Size: 3 to 6 students
Student/Teacher Ratio: 3:2 (counts classroom, dorm and activity teachers)
Tuition: $56,200
Financial Aid:



General elementary for students in grades 3 to 6. Traditional middle school and high school courses in English, math, science, history/social studies, and a foreign language for students in grades 7 to 12.

Percentage of Graduating Class: Most students transfer to other independent or public schools during their high school years.
Support Services: Designed specifically for high ability students who need an unusual amount of individual adult attention and energy, including students with ADHD, autism spectrum issues, nonverbal learning disabilities, etc.
Camp Programs: Yes
After School Programs: Yes
Computer Capabilities:

Computers are used to a limited extent in classes, primarily for major writing assignments. Computers and other electronics are not used for after school games or play.

School Clubs:

Students participate extensively in activities such as hiking, canoeing, recreational sports, farm activities, board games, art, drama, music lessons, and lots of active outdoor play.

Notable Graduates:

Temple Grandin

Parking Spaces/Availability:


Uniform Guidelines:

Collared shirts are required for classes; jacket and tie, for Sunday dinner and special events.

Admissions Requirements:

HCS is especially for boys who have high intellectual ability but who do not adapt easily to larger schools because of such issues as high energy, inflexibility, sensitivity, or difficulty participating in large groups. HCS may be a good choice for students who have problems adapting elsewhere because of ADHD, poor executive functioning, or autism spectrum issues.

Mission Statement:

Hampshire Country School is a small school dedicated to helping its students grow and learn through close interaction between students and faculty living together in a well-preserved rural environment. The school is particularly interested in working with students of high scholastic potential who have had difficulty thriving in larger, less personal schools.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Hampshire Country School fills an unusual educational niche. Schools for exceptionally bright children are seldom ready to manage behavior that is severely problematic or disruptive. Schools for children with behavior difficulties are seldom prepared to educate a child with high intellectual ability. Hampshire Country School understands that in certain exceptionally bright children intense and difficult behaviors are an inseparable aspect of the child’s high ability and, therefore, need to be accommodated, celebrated, and guided rather than squelched.

School History:

Hampshire Country School was founded in 1948 by Henry and Adelaide Patey, a psychologist and music teacher respectively, after years of inviting bright, sensitive children and adolescents to share their home. Sixty-five years later, the mission has not changed and the school's special focus is still on students of high intellectual ability whose behavior has been too bothersome or problematic for most other schools.

Notes/School Information:

HCS is not for students who have used or experimented with cigarettes, alcohol, or illegal drugs.

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