Jackson-Feild Home for Girls

Jackson-Feild Home for Girls Logo

Basic Information

Address: 546 Walnut Grove Dr., Jarratt, Va. 23867
Phone Number: 434-634-3217 (3034)
Fax Number: 434-634-9847

Action Shots

Jackson-Feild Home for Girls

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Founded: 1855
Ages/Grades: 7-12
School Setting:


School Size: 55
Classroom Size: 7 Average
Student/Teacher Ratio: 5:1
Camp Programs: No
Philosophy/Belief Statement:

We believe in the education of the whole child teaching each girl to change their world

School History:

Started in 1855 as an Episcopal orphanage for girls. In the late 1900s'it became a group home for girls and in 1994 a school was added to the existing campus programs. The school (Gwaltney School) began graduating students with various diplomas in June 1998 and continued doing so until the present.

Notes/School Information:

Gwaltney School, an institution created by Jackson-Feild Homes for educating troubled young ladies in residence at its Jarratt, Virginia facility, specializes in working with regular students and students with ED,LD,OHI, ADHD,or ADD classifications.

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