Greengate School for Dyslexia

Greengate School for Dyslexia Logo

Basic Information

Address: 501 Holmes Ave NE , Huntsville , AL
Phone Number: 256-551-4439
School Type: K-8

Action Shots

Greengate School for Dyslexia

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Founded: 2002

Full Curriculum

Support Services: Testing & Tutoring Services
Computer Capabilities:

Student computer lab is used for a range of educational activities

Uniform Guidelines:

Greengate School believes that standards of neatness and appropriateness in clothing foster an atmosphere more conducive to learning, work, and discipline. Respect for school, others and self is influenced by appearance.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to educate and support bright children who have specific learning differences in reading, spelling or writing so that they may realize their full potential.

Philosophy/Belief Statement: We are dedicated to creating a challenging curriculum in a responsive learning environment where students can build the social competence and academic skills required for future success.
School History: Since 2002 Greengate has educated and supported bright children in with learning differences in reading, spelling or writing. Greengate has become a dyslexia resource for the community, training teachers, parents and growing community awareness of the issues surrounding those with these learning differences.
Notes/School Information:

Across a rich and challenging curriculum, students find encouragement to pursue their talents and interests in math, science, social studies, the arts and athletics. An active, energetic learning environment fosters discovery, exploration, understanding, and the opportunity for each student to show what he or she can accomplish.

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