Alexander Muss High School in Israel

Alexander Muss High School in Israel Logo

Basic Information

Phone Number: (800) 327-5980
Fax Number: (212) 472-9301
Director: Peter Geffen
Duration: 7-8 weeks

Action Shots

Alexander Muss High School in Israel
Alexander Muss High School in Israel
Alexander Muss High School in Israel
Alexander Muss High School in Israel

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

School Information:

The Alexander Muss Institute for Israel Education (AMIIE) and The Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) are dedicated to engaging teens to discover, explore and embrace their connection to the history, culture and land of Israel. AMHSI offers year-round, fully-accredited, seven-to-eight-week, fun and intensive study abroad programs for high school juniors and seniors, using an interdisciplinary curriculum which strives to provide youth with a strong sense of Jewish identity. Students can get an edge on their college applications and follow in the footsteps of more than 18,000 AMHSI alumni, discovering Israel through an inspiring, life changing experience that is non-denominational and pluralistic.

Tuition: See website
Financial Aid:

Scholarships and grants available

Curriculum Highlights:

LEARN in a classroom without walls. LIVE 4,000 years of history. LOVE an adventure unlike any other. Grow in ways you could not have imagined. Build life long friendships. At AMHSI students plunge into a chronological study of Jewish history, beginning with the Biblical period and ending with the modern Middle East. AMHSI offers the unique opportunity for students to take their 'sequential' high school classes in addition to the core program, so that they don't fall behind regular school work. AMHSI is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, and participants may receive full high school credit and six college credits.


For our excellence we received the William J. Shroder Award presented by the Council of Jewish Federations, The Shazar prize presented by the Department of Education of the World Zionist Organization and the Dushkin Award presented by the International Organization for Culture of Youth in Jerusalem

National Directories

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