Asia Exchange

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Basic Information

Address: Helsinki, Finland
Duration: One Term or Academic Year

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Asia Exchange
Asia Exchange
Asia Exchange

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Additional Information

School Information:

Kasetsart University, formed in 1943, is a state-owned world class university, which is regularly ranked in the top 5 among Thailand's 150 universities. The courses are taught by lecturers who have international experience. Students can earn up to 20 US credits or 30 ECTS for their studies per semester at Kasetsart University.

Tuition: 1,800 USD
Financial Aid:

Asia Exchange will be awarding scholarships, which will cover the tuition for one semester. Students can apply for the scholarships on our website twice a year.

Curriculum Highlights:

The program at this traditional university is suitable for you who want to deepen your knowledge on Asia, its economy and culture in an international environment. You'll also learn Thai language and interact with local students and other exchange students from all over the world. You'll have time for free time activities and traveling in addition to the academic studies.

School Setting:

Tropical climate, luxury lifestyle with still affordable prices, traveling, diverse cultures and quality teaching make a study abroad semester in Bangkok a truly unique experience. Live up to your dreams and experience all of this together with your friends!

Program Information: Asia Exchange and Kasetsart University bring academic business studies and life in one of world's thrilling cities to your fingertips. A study abroad semester in exotic Bangkok will surely be the best experience of your life and benefit your career.

"It's awesome here! I wonder how 4 and a half months will be long enough to experience all the interesting things that Thailand has to offer?! Bangkok alone offers so much to see and do that it makes my head spin. All the exchange students seem very pleased with the destination. The versatility of a big city is hard to beat."

Asia Exchange student in Bangkok


 It's easy to apply via Asia Exchange and your guaranteed placement will be confirmed within a week. You can join the study abroad program on your own or together with your friends. Asia Exchange offers the most affordable tuition fees so don't hesitate to apply.

Students will have time for free time activities and traveling in addition to their studies. Knowledge on Asia is important when looking for a job in today's globalized world. You will gain knowledge on this exciting region that is gaining importance economically, politically and culturally. Enjoy luxury lifestyle with very affordable costs. Experience your chances and apply today!

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