The Biodiversity Group

The Biodiversity Group Logo

Basic Information

Address: 3901 W Calle Don Miguel, Tucson, AZ, 85746
Director: Paul S. Hamilton, Ph.D
Duration: Depends on the expedition, but usually 12-15 days (you can sign up for multiple tours).

Action Shots

The Biodiversity Group
The Biodiversity Group
The Biodiversity Group
The Biodiversity Group

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

School Information:

Reptile & Amphibian Ecology International is a conservation and research organization striving to discover, document, and preserve the rich diversity of living reptiles and amphibians. Guided by strong scientific principles, we collect ecological data about these unsung species in some of the world's last wild places. Through spectacular photography, we scientifically document our discoveries while conveying the beauty and wonder of rare species and remote places to a wider public. Through education, volunteerism, and local empowerment, we offer people the experiences, skills, and tools to promote understanding and appreciation of the rich variety of life that surrounds and sustains them. Our central goal is to facilitate informed management decisions by people, governments, and land preservation organizations that will protect these fascinating animals and the land they need to survive. We encourage anyone who has an interest in conservation and ecology to visit our website and get involved! We have many opportunities in the form of volunteer research assistants on our expeditions, macro photography workshops, and internships to help in the many areas the we could use motivated individuals that have a desire to make a difference and learn!

Tuition: Please visit our website for details, as we offer a variety of opportunities.
Financial Aid:

We encourage students to inquire with their program offices or college departments to see if aid or grants are available. While we offer a 15% discount to citizens of Latin America, we do not directly offer any other financial aid.

Curriculum Highlights:

Volunteer participants will gain valuable research experience, contribute towards our mission in conservation ecology, and will have an unforgettable experience that provides the opportunity to study the most biologically diverse region of animals in the world (this is not an exaggeration!).

Program Information: The most important qualifications for our projects are enthusiasm and a good work ethic. However, research volunteers accepted to join our team should be able to walk 10+ miles a day in hot, humid, and muddy conditions and have at least a general interest in conservation ecology. Anyone meeting these general criteria is encouraged to apply. Training for field techniques will be provided upon arrival and participants will be briefed on safety and risks prior to and during the research experience. Students usually can acquire academic credit (and potentially towards a senior thesis) or apply for an internship with RAEI and their current college or university. Depending on the requirements of your program, you may be asked to collect a unique data set, write a paper, and/or receive a written evaluation from your expedition leaders. If your program does not have a similar document, participants will fill out a signed agreement with RAEI and an academic advisor specifying the goals and deliverables of the experience.

Research opportunities in conservation ecology in Ecuador & Mexico:

The work that research participants will be involved with will primarily consist of conducting night surveys for reptiles and amphibians (however other taxa such as invertebrates are also of interest), animal data collection, and lab work. Lab work consists of more detailed information such as scale counts (for reptiles) and other morphological information, animal measurements, screening for chytrid disease (amphibians), preservation (only when necessary), and acquisition of DNA samples. Diagnostic photographs of all animals are taken. Other tasks include animal handling and general note taking and data organization. Please go the following link for more information about the work:  (


Other Opportunities We Offer:


National Directories

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