Intern NZ and Intern OZ

Intern NZ and Intern OZ Logo

Basic Information

Address: Level 1, 263-265 Wakefield Street, Te Aro, Wellington, New Zealand, 6011
Phone Number: +64 4 384 0117
Director: Bob Alagh
Duration: all

Action Shots

Intern NZ and Intern OZ
Intern NZ and Intern OZ
Intern NZ and Intern OZ
Intern NZ and Intern OZ

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Program Information: Intern NZ provides internship program services throughout New Zealand and Intern OZ provides internship program services throughout Australia. Internships are custom designed to meet the client’s needs. We offer internship placements of varying lengths in all industries throughout the year. We have partnerships with Government, private and non-profit sector organisations. Internships can be for academic credit or to rapidly up-skill in a chosen industry.

Internship Placements - personalised process including individual pre-placement meetings, industry specific resume review, customised employer outreach, as well as informational interviews with potential sites if required, coaching and troubleshooting throughout the placement.

Housing and Emergency Support - furnished student housing convenient to public transportation and including kitchen facilities, access to laundry, and Internet connectivity. In addition, in-country support, providing program management and 24-hour support for emergencies.

Program Management and Support - pre-internship orientation, as well as airport pick up by Intern NZ or Intern OZ staff (if requested), arrival group orientation to the city with our team covering; culture and customs, safety and law, culture shock, internships and housing.

Academic Component - close collaboration with the University to ensure completion of academic objectives outlined by the University to grant academic credit.

Cross-Cultural Coaching - range of arrival activities to integrate students into the city, and their international internship cohort.

National Directories

AF Sitemap