
LinguaNova Logo

Basic Information

Phone Number: 0039 0586 883453
Fax Number: 0039 0586 883453
Director: Mrs Claire Ann Lorenzetti
Duration: from 2 weeks to 1 year

Action Shots


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Additional Information

School Information:

School of Italian for foreigners, located in a the old city of Livorno

Financial Aid:

Every year 2 half scholarschip are available, in springtime 6 half scholarship for level A2 and in autumn 6 scholarship for B1 level

Curriculum Highlights:

All teachers of the school are italian native tongue, best quality of teaching with best prices


Jo Club (Japan)


Our school is located in Livorno, in Toscany, one of the most beautiful regions in Italy where you will find a excellent mixture of culture and scenary. Livorno, a small city on the cost, is not know to massive tourisim, and is futhermore characterised by its hospitable and friendly population.

National Directories

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