Study Abroad in Phuket, Thailand

Study Abroad in Phuket, Thailand Logo

Basic Information

Address: Helsinki, Finland
Duration: One term - Fall/Spring/Summer Semester

Action Shots

Study Abroad in Phuket, Thailand
Study Abroad in Phuket, Thailand
Study Abroad in Phuket, Thailand
Study Abroad in Phuket, Thailand

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Additional Information

School Information:

Prince of Songkla University (PSU) is a public university founded in 1967 being the first university in Southern Thailand. Approximately 35,000 students in total study at the university’s five different units and there are many exchange students. The campus in Phuket has about 3,500 students.

Tuition: 2,100 USD
Financial Aid:

Asia Exchange will be awarding scholarships, which will cover the tuition for one semester. Students can apply for the scholarships on our website twice a year.

Curriculum Highlights:

The international study semesters at PSU have been very popular and received much praise. Exchange students join the same classes as local students. Besides the classes students can participate in numerous extra-curricular activities like charity visits, trips to paradise islands and sports events.

Students can earn up to 20 US credits or 30 ECTS for their studies per semester at Prince of Songkla University.

The program has been especially popular among Scandinavian, German speaking, Australian and American university students.

School Setting:

Tropical climate, luxury lifestyle with affordable prices, traveling, diverse cultures and quality teaching make a study abroad semester in Phuket a truly unique experience. Live up to your dreams and experience all of this together with your friends!

Program Information: It's very easy to apply via Asia Exchange and your guaranteed placement will be confirmed in a week. You can join the study abroad program on your own or together with your friends. Asia Exchange offers the most affordable tuition fees so don't hesitate to apply.

"After spending three months in Phuket I have to admit that going on exchange really has been the best experience of my life. The exchange has enriched my studies, because it developed my abilities of studying in a multi-cultural environment and expanded my knowledge of Asian economy, business life and culture."

Asia Exchange student in Phuket, 2009

"Study, travel, grow and live in the moment. Nothing could be more important than all of these."

Lacey, Asia Exchange student in Thailand 2011


Combine quality studies and unforgettable experiences in the world-famous paradise island of Phuket at Prince of Songkla University, Thailand!

The aim of the program is to broaden students’ knowledge on Asia in an international and inspiring environment, not forgetting the importance of the experience as a whole. In addition to studying, students have time for hobbies and traveling. Students who have taken part in the program have praised the extremely beautiful marine environment, the friendly international atmosphere, the inexpensive prices at the destination and numerous free time activities.

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