Vickie Einspahr's blog

Victoria's journey into school.....

After the devastating news and the total lack of support from family members I dont care to mention we started thinking about putting Victoria in pre-school. One word describes this journey DRAMA. The school was  a pre-school with a Autism special needs class. the class was adorable all the typical little boys and girls learning playing and just being typical. i was devastated Victoria was the beauty girl but her behavior had everyone on the edge of their seats.

The Queen gets diagnosed....

Victoria's doctor wanted us to take her to Jefferson County Child Find, a program designed to evaluate Victoria's behavior cognitive ability, fine motor skills. They told us she had Sensory Intergration. I went to a confrence held by  Author Carol Kranowitz she wrote the book "The out-of-sync-child" I left that confrence thinking Victoria had many of the attributes asscoiated with Sensory Intergration. Our next appointment would be with The Children's Hospital Child development Unit. The process was very long they played with Victoria asked us a million questions.

Searching for a diagnosis for the Queen...

Victoria Rose first went to Jefferson County Child Find, a service for children  that arent meeting milestones and or might have special needs. A team tested  Victoria and basically told us she had sensory intergration. I went to a Confrence in Colo held by Carol Kranowitz author of  several books including The Out-of Sync-Child a book on Sensory Intergration. I was convinced she had this issue. I could identify with some of the behavior of the girl in the video. I was devastated. Next we took her to The Children's Hospital Colo.

The Queen Victoria

Victoria was such a little beauty, blond hair blue eyes very dainty I started dressing her in pink that would be HER color. Victoria started making these chirp like sounds we thought pre language babble she sounded like a tiny bird earning her the name Chick and birdie. Victoria didnt require much from me, she wanted to eat and sleep and was very content laying around.

Victoria is a silent angel a gift....

  My name is Vickie ,

I am blogging about our family and Rett Syndrome in hopes it  may benefit other famlies faced with this very difficult challange.Each beautiful girl diagnosed with this devastating disorder has a story this is ours.....

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