Victoria is a silent angel a gift....

  My name is Vickie ,

I am blogging about our family and Rett Syndrome in hopes it  may benefit other famlies faced with this very difficult challange.Each beautiful girl diagnosed with this devastating disorder has a story this is ours.....

Some family history..I was 40 years old when I fell in love with Steve. Now my husband and best-friend of 9 years. Steve  was 43, we had known each-other for over 20 years when we fell in love. Steve's dad had married my first cousin in 1985  they had twin girls. When  the twins were aprox 2 one of the twins started regressing in all areas of her life. She was diagnosed with CP. She spent all of her life in a wheel-chair with  feeding tubes, seizures and lots of medication . She passed away at 18 years old Oct 2000 I was 2 months pregnant with Victoria. We didnt share our wonderful news with the family a child had passed away, there would be time for us to  share and celebrate our  news.

Victoria Rose was born May 27th 2001 10:40 am. A beautiful perfect little girl. Ten fingers ten toes a little doll. Her daddy named her Victoria after me her mom, and Rose for a dear sweet aunt of mine that had passed away suddenly at age 46 in 1986. I suffered from depression all through my pregnancy, I  struggled to gain weight and my doctor wanted to put me on a anti-depressant I refused. We didnt want to take any chances with Victoria' s health, this was our love baby Jesus would see us through. I did every test they suggested except where they take fluid from the sac. The doctor told us we could have a baby with down syndrome because of our ages. We knew Jesus was gifting us a baby and looked at the whole pregnancy as a miracle..My depression worsened  throughout and was full blown by the time of delivery . I now had post-partum depression phsycosis. I couldnt or wouldnt be involved with Victoria's care  When Victoria was 8 weeks old. I was diagnosed and treated and returned to my family July 7th 2001 it was my husbands 45th birthday. I hadnt bonded with Victoria  and was just trying to feel normal that was our first year....

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