Searching for a diagnosis for the Queen...

Victoria Rose first went to Jefferson County Child Find, a service for children  that arent meeting milestones and or might have special needs. A team tested  Victoria and basically told us she had sensory intergration. I went to a Confrence in Colo held by Carol Kranowitz author of  several books including The Out-of Sync-Child a book on Sensory Intergration. I was convinced she had this issue. I could identify with some of the behavior of the girl in the video. I was devastated. Next we took her to The Children's Hospital Colo. She went throught the Child Developement Center. We spent several hours  watching her being tested by interacting and playing  trying to engage with Victoria  the speacialists, were all young ladies that played wih her they were so nice and loving told us how beautiful our daughter was she was a doll. What we werent ready for was  the diagnosis, or the manner of the Dr. that gave us the diagnosis. She asked me "what is the worse diagnosis you could hear?" And I said "that my daughter was mentally retarded" (A word that we NEVER use about anyone.) her responce "well she is" that cold that flat I just about fell out of the chair. I was borderline hysterical and then the Dr. told me I wasnt leaving until I could calm down. My responce to her was "you give me the worst diagnosis a parent could hear and you dont want to me react.?" My husband practically carried me out. I was able to ask does that mean she will never talk? The doctor told me she didnt know what the future held for my baby  and the Dr, wasnt giving us any hope. I will remember that day for the rest of my life the air was sucked out of my body I felt my body go limp I was devastated. I cried all the way home and Steve didnt dare trust his voice to talk. My mother and step-father happened to be in town and I had a lunch date with my mother when I got home I called her and told her we just received the most horriffic news about Victoria I didnt want to go out.SHE couldnt handle it ....I sat there and cried for the rest of the day wondering why my mother didnt rush to my home to hold me comfort me tell me it would be okay just be with me........

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