The Queen Victoria

Victoria was such a little beauty, blond hair blue eyes very dainty I started dressing her in pink that would be HER color. Victoria started making these chirp like sounds we thought pre language babble she sounded like a tiny bird earning her the name Chick and birdie. Victoria didnt require much from me, she wanted to eat and sleep and was very content laying around. I proped he up and she was able to sit up by herself she had a strong grip for her bottle .My cousin had gifted me all of the teletubbies stuffed characters and they were in her play pen Victoria had no reaction to them and they were three times her size. She didnt try to play with anything, and was not even slightly interested in TV.She didnt seem different to us but we hadnt had a baby in our home for a long time. She was in a contest for Lil Miss Hollywood she took 2nd place.  I thought maybe I was going to have a pagent baby I had all kinds of dreams of what she would be like. I was finally bonding with her and was taking care of her myself while Steve worked. All of my friends and family adored her , couldnt get over how pretty she was and what a good baby  she was, didnt fuss at all. I still remember her 1st birthday party we threw for her I hired a clown a photographer all of our friends and family we had live muisc Victoria sat in her high-chair just watching.... One of the photos from that party she was clasping her hands together it was so adorable everyone commented on how she posed for the picture..I loved taking her out in public , everyone that seen her commented on my little beauty doll. I was so relieved i was feeling like myself again and was excited  to watch Victoria grow  and enjoy my little girl. We moved from the city to the mountains in Co and Victoria still wasnt walking she was 27 months old before she walked she never crawled she scooted her bottom around but never crawled. My mother  told me the three of us were very late walkers also. We did have some family and Church friends tell us Victoria was not typical we even had a woman turn us in to social services saying we werent feeding her enough or giving her any attention thats why she wasnt playing with toys., Oh wow was that quite the experience, We were investigated they didnt see anything wrong with us as parents or Victoria she seemed healthy and happy to them case dropped.We stopped going to that Church the damage had been done too much hurt and we felt we were being judged. When some of my family and friends started making comments that Victoria was different I was so angry I really thought they were just jealous of my baby my happy life and so relationships started ending. 

I didnt like taking Victoria for her check-up and shots because they would have me fill out Victoria's milestones, she wasnt making ANY and I honestly couldnt even entertain the idea something was wrong. Victoria would get her shots and not even flinch she wasnt feeling pain...Victoria was in the 97% for height weight head circumfrence so I really thought maybe she is just slow.

When Victoria turned three her doctor sugguested we take her to The Child Development Unit at The Children's Hospital and Child Find in Jefferson County. She thought maybe Victoria was Autistic.


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